Thursday, April 28, 2011

How to test harness REST web services with cURL

cURL is a very convenient command line tool to send and retrieve data using the URL syntax. It supports a large number of protocols: HTTP, HTTPS, FTP, FTPS, SCP, SFTP, TFTP, LDAP, LDAPS, DICT, TELNET, FILE . IMAP, POP3, SMTP and RTSP.

I have been using cURL for quickly and conveniently testing RESTFul APIs.

Since I am doing most of my development on Windows platforms, I am using cURL in conjunction with Console, a Windows console window enhancement tool.

 First you need to download and install cURL for your platform (windows, Linux ect). Then you can do a quick test by accessible the home page of your favorite web site:

This should display the HTML content of the home page. At this point I would suggest to look at the documentation to see what you can do with cURL including the FAQ.

I usually use simple test harness such as 'curl' if you REST API exposes available versions.

You can then start to do more sophisticated tests such as authentication credentials from files (in my case I use a JSON data structure to automatically authenticate to my web service), saving cookies on files (using the the -c option):

curl -c ./cookies.txt --data-binary @login_password.json -H "Content-Type: application/json"

With my JSON file as follow: {"login":{"username":"user1","password":"StrongPassword1"}} 

The cookie in my case contains a session token that I can reuse between each cURL calls. In the next call I read the cookie (via the -b option):

curl -b ./cookies.txt

The output of the command can be saved in a file using the option -o or redirecting our output:

curl -o google.html


curl > google.html 


In my next post on this topic, I will explain how to use SSL/TLS and specify GZIP headers to your cURL requests.

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