Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Health 2.0 - 2008 (San Francisco) - Day 1

This year, the Health 2.0 2008 conference crowd is definitively larger than last year. I was expecting also a larger exhibition as well, but in fact, the action really seems to take place in the panel discussions and meeting people and peers rather than on the demo booths. However there were some interesting demos during the panel sessions.

The future of Health 2.0 (Indu Subaiya - Matthew Holt)What is the best way to engage people to use Heathcare Apps?

=> A survey provided some interesting information:
  • most frequent channel is conversation
  • social media is much more credible when coupled with Health expertise (e.g. blogs, videosharing, wikipedia).
=> Tools are changing dramatically (Personalized, Analysis, Decision support, transactions)
  • Search Social networks (still the top application), tools, content, Transaction data
  • Health 2.0 Accelerator initiative (To help launch Health 2.0 related ventures).

Keynote : Here Comes Health - Clay Shirky

Clay talked abou this boook:
Here Comes Everybody: The Power of Organizing Without Organizations
  • aggregation is different: a group of patient behave different from single patients
  • add more value (interaction between participants adds synergy
  • information: most of the traffic on the internet is between people, not computers

Documentary: The Great American Health 2.0 Motorcycle TourAn interesting video created by Health 2.0 wher David Kibbe visits (on a motorbike) new Health 2.0 companies and models models throughout the US
Panel: The role of the Consumers Aggregators
  • Wayne Gattinelle, Philip Marshall, WebM
    • presentation of the Verizon HealthZone (branded WebMD web site/application)
    • alert, visit, Conditions, Medications, Allergies, Surgeries, Immunizations, Tests
    • medication advisor: decision support for cost and benefits
  • Michael Yang, Yahoo!
    • collaboration with water front
    • deal with healthgrades
    • presented new visual design for the next generation applications
    • new front door access from Yahoo! Health
    • a profile page describing the physician will be available
    • collaboration with water front media
      deal with healthgrades
  • Roni Zeiger, MD, Product Manager, Google Health & Brad Crosslin, PDX (Google partner)
    • Demo showing integration of Google Health with pharmacies
      • Myer 10 Millions patients
      • Duane Reade (export data into Google Health)
  • Peter Neupert, Health Solution Group, Microsoft
    • partnership with Kaiser (glimpse at the demo)
    • demonstration of PHR ( 2.5 millions users currently.
    • capabilities to export data into Microsoft HealthVault
    • shows which information is sent to Microsoft (wrapped into a HL7 document)
  • Mark Bertolini, President, Aetna
    • 3rd largest insurance in the US
    • 3200 IT personal
    • cost of care tool
    • partnership with Microsoft (Health Vault)
    • PHR
      • 7 millions users by the end of 2008
      • one million of alerts every 3 months
Panel: Search, UGc and the Long Trail, Matthew Holt & Indu Subaiya- Personalization is very important
  • Venky Harinarayan, Co founder, Kosmix/Right health
      • vertical search engine
      • search results on medical content, community, forums
      • 2nd web site after WebMD
      • aggregate services
  • Well Shell, CEO, HealthLine Networks
    • content provided from 20 partners
    • 70% of the search are related to symptoms
    • learning centers automatically generated
    • drug search including FDA alerts and drugs interaction checker
    • patient decision support as outcome of the search
  • Steven Krein, CEO, Organized Wisdom
    • use a team of medical personal to search Google and hand craft search results
    • long tail search: very specific and personal questions (e.g. side effect of hip surgery) that are answered by organized wisdom.
    • research notes + top resources that are created for aggregated groups of users
    • 20,000 patient cards
    • Organized Wisdom is going to create profiles for every doctors, dentists and practitioners.
  • Tom Eng, President, Healia/Meredith Group
    • vertical search engine: provides high quality trusted results (patent pending algorithm)
    • health communities: locate patients close by and 'ask questions' feature.
  • Daniel Palestrant, Founder and CEO, Sermo
    • millions of questions on their site
    • very interesting study case of allergy form Victoria's secret Bras that was detected by Sermo after studying new group posts.

Demo Panel: Managing Money in Health 2.0* Money starts to play a role in Health 2.0 as transactions start to take more importance.

  • Christopher Parks, CEO, Change HealthCare
    • demo: tool to share, compare and track healthcare expense
    • business models: licensing by employers
    • detailed medical bills
    • summary by family member, by provider, by service date, by health issue
    • average cost per providers for 5 providers in the same area <= nice!
  • Stefanie Fenton, Quicken Health Group, Intuit
    • demo of Quicken Health to be launch in 2009 for UnitedHealthcare, CIGNA HealthCare, and Medical Mutual of Ohio initially
    • business model: pay per transaction + license fees
    • visited more than 300 people to understand their healthcare finance need (the amount of bills/paper tracks can be very large)
    • 3 years of development
    • health plan claims are dowloaded
    • claims to be paids, deductibles with break down on each items how it is reimbursed (as tooltips)
    • payment history with patterns of spending that can be exported for taxe purpose
  • Phil Micali, CEO,
    • demo of bwell informed launched last year (B2B and B2C)
    • business models: licensing by employers
    • include saving accounts, health profile, compare family plans <= very nice!
  • Brandt Cannici, Co-Founder and COO,
    • demo of
    • business model: commisions and strategic partneships
    • includes therapeutic interchange proposal and generate letter for doctor <= cool!
    • compare restricted and non-restricted plans
    • focus on seniors
    • no advertizing, HIPAA compliant
Demo Panel: Clinician Social Networks

  • Rex Jabovits,
    • YouTube or Flickr for radiology
    • more than 18,000 cases containing more than 90,000 images
    • Sharing of medical images (flash + ajax)
    • free service funded in part by the National Institutes of Health.
  • Jason Bhan, Co-founder, Ozmosis
    • online Medical Knowledge Exchange
    • accelerates learning and knowledge exchange across medicine
    • journal club, clinical cases, groups etc ...
  • Michael Sands, Co-Founder, MedicalPlexus
    • ecosystem/network in which doctors and life science researchers can connect, interact, and share their work
    • learning from and Sharing Knowledge with other professionals/colleagues using questions and answers
  • Lance Hilll, CEO, Within 3
    • private professional networking site for health and life science practitioners to find, connect and collaborate (the linkedin for medical practitioners)
    • ability to communicate news and event information
    • find colleagues with similar interest by location
    • consultation with specialist on atypical cases, new treatments etc ...
    • offer ways to build communities
    • REST APIs will be available in 2009 to access member data
  • Tobin Arthur, CEO, iMedExchange
    • online community for physicians

See also Day 2 of the conference.

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