Thursday, October 23, 2008

Health 2.0 - 2008 (San Francisco) - Day 2

Second day of the Health 2.0 2008 conference.
* the presentation from Sermo's CEO was quite impressive, especially in terms of number of US physicians that are part of their network.

3 Health 2.0 CEOs
  • JonathanBush, CEO AthenaHealth
    • process medical claims from doctors and put them into charts (EMR)
    • 40 millions different cases
    • in business for 10 years
    • try to make the doctor office paperless
    • process paper based documents (40,000 per day)
    • Statistics: doctors get 11% more revenue when using AthenaHealth
    • 89 pages of paper come every day for each doctor (mostly by Fax & Teleprinters)
    • business model: fee based (by the doctors)
  • Daniel Palestrant, MS, CEO Sermo
    • social network for doctors
    • company started 3 years ago
    • 90,000 US physicians 7,000 added each months
    • 20% of the US physicians at end of the year.
    • direct communication between physician and drug manufacturers (e.g. Pfizer) and the result is published for the whole Sermo community.
    • should be cash positive sometimes next year
    • extension to the international market planned in 2009
    • business model: no charge for the physician (in fact they pay the doctors to be part of the network), no advertising, get revenue from sponsors (e.g. drugs manufacturers)
    • work with FDA
    • Partnership with Bloomberg.
  • Kerry Hicks, CEO Healthgrades
    • provide rating and information on healthcare services
    • 5000 hospitals and most of the physicians, nursing homes etc ...
    • 13 millions piece of information coming each month
    • list 88 conditions
    • information on 40,000 prescription drugs
    • users: 55% women, 45% men
    • partnerhip with Google
    • 80% of the traffic comes from patients who have seen the patient in the last 30 days

Panel: Health 2.0 around the world

  • Video:
    • India: diagnosis over the phone including SMS (300 millions cell phones in india), 720 millions by 2012.
    • UK: UK: how to reduce healthcare cost
  • Thomas Liedtke, Emerging Health Care, ICW
    • statistics show that 20-30% of the patients get the wrong medication
    • OptiMed deployed for AOK, Germany
    • compliance control device
    • use iPhone to scan medication
  • Marlene WinField, SVP, NHS connecting for health
    • improve universal HealthCare in UK
    • aggregate services for patients
    • 15 million patients
    • enable two ways communications between patients and care givers via a Personal Health Organizer / PHR called healthspace
      • appointments, calendar, reminders,
      • over the counter medication
      • access to health organizer
      • audit trail for users (who logged etc ...)
  • Alex Savic, CEO Alensa
    • based in switzerland
    • customers in Romenia, Serbia
    • eCmmerce platform for para-pharmacy products (selling drugs online is still illegal in Europe)
    • health blog network is very useful to help monetize their content (premium posts canbe paid by mobile phone).
    • biggest issues are legal issues in europe.
  • Paul Meyer, chairman Voxiva
    • company started 7 years ago
    • provide patients with tips and information on living with a chronic condition
    • e.g. disease surveillance system (Peru 2002)
    • e.g. interactive risk assessment on hearth and cardiac conditions via SMS (Mexico 2007)
    • tools to quickly build applications (e.g. diabetes risk profile population)
  • Josh Nesbit, FrontlineSMS
    • enables users to send and receive text messages with large groups of people through mobile phones.
  • Deb Levine, ISIS
    • non profit organization located in Oakland, CA
    • SMSs for prevention and referral
    • Sexinfo, Realtalk, Data violence prevention etc ...
    • E.g. SMS to 61827 'HIVinfo' or 'Text Meds'
  • Doug Solomon, CTS, IDEO
    • design company (device, software, organization)
    • integrate human, business, technology aspects

Deep Dive: American Well
Demo of the AmericanWell, an online medical care services product:
  • online services for patients and physicians
  • two way conversation (video conference or voice over IP) between doctor and patient
  • patient:
    • agenda, assessment, provider search, message center, health profile and history.
    • integrated with Health Vault
    • ability to rate the service delivered by the doctor
    • forward conversation to the patient PCP
  • doctor:
    • claim submitted automatically
HMSA Online Care:
  • Hawaii - 7,000 members
  • rural country with a large growing senior population
  • uninsured young population

Panel: Tools for ConsumersPersonalized, Analytical, Supporting Decisions, Enabling Transactions
  • Kevin Nolan, CEO ADAM
    • ADAM content using the iphone
  • David Clymer, CEO, MyMedLab
    • purchase test online
    • go to a local lab
    • results are reviewed and put into a PHR
    • available in 47 US states (except RI, NJ, NY)
  • Linda Avey, Co-CEO, 23andMe
    • account can be shared
    • study paternal/maternal Halogroups
    • study health risks (clinical reports, research reports)
    • compare family, friend genes
  • Mari Baker, CEO, Navigenics
    • goal: introduce personalized medecine in HealthCare
    • offers access to a genetic counselor
    • estimated lifetime risks
    • recommendations to reduce health risks
  • Adam Bosworth, CEO, KEAS
    • demo of My Health Plan
      • todo list, overall progress, lab results, meal, exercise action plan
      • import data from google health
      • tracking vital signs and process over time
      • warning about health risks
  • Roy Schoenberg, CEO AmericanWell
    • demo online services for patients and physicians
  • Michael Cho, CEO, Destination Rx
    • 50 millions customers
    • help manage medicine cabinet
    • provides warnings about drug interactions
    • offer ways to lower cost (therapeutic alternatives/generics) including dosage
    • therapeutic alternatives covers 200 tops drugs in the US
  • Erick VonSchweber, CEO, PharmaSurveyor
    • regimen survey tool
    • transferred from partners (Google, Destination Rx ...) using CCR
    • interaction drugs panel
    • ability to replace one drug by another one if there is an elevated risk
  • Alexandra Drane, President, Eliza

Getting Past the Privacy Conundrum

  • Jennifer Gilburg, Verisign
    • demo of VIP : a consumer solution for authentication
    • one time token ID generated by hardware token
    • hosted service
    • SSO usable across different web applications
  • Alan Viars, CEO, Videntity
    • Verification and authentication tools
    • REST based API
    • verification by voice over IP + Pin & voice recognition

Panel: Genomics online * For the patient, there is a benefit knowing in advance the health risks associated to his/her genetic background. This type of information give some type of empowerment to the patient as well.
  • Linda Avey, Co-CEO, 23andMe
    • $399 per genetic analysis study
    • 4-6 weeks for the result
    • 23andWe: sharing information about surveys (phenotype)
  • Tera Eerkes, CEO, QTrait
    • Genetic testing
    • $99 per genetic analysis study
    • dashboard with risk factors
    • technical reports that can be shared with the physician
    • non technical report to share with friends and family
    • specific tests for mate/couple genetic matching to reduce health risks
  • Ilya Kupershmidt, Co-founder, VP of Product Management , NextBio
    • 1/2 million users (researcher, consumers)
    • 60 million pages of resources
    • use public experimental data
    • clinical trials information
    • use ontology to summarize the relevant information data
  • Daniel Reda, Co-Founder, CureTogether
    • demo of CureTogether
    • health tracking tools will be added
    • data to be use for gene discovery
    • twitter for your health

Demo Panel: Disease Management 2.0

  • Stan Nowak, CEO Silverlink, Silverlink
    • recommendation: try to model and automate the routine healthcare activities
    • communication programs for disease management
    • a way to drive behavior (to reduce cost and improve performance of chealthcare).
    • interactive phone calls with health coach
    • educate patients how to save money on drugs
  • Suneel Ratan & Ileana Welte, SVP, Health Hero Network
    • recommendation: keep give supports to your customers to improve the relationship with the patient
    • health body applicance / tele-health platform
    • connect patients and care givers (e.g. institutions)
    • 27,000 customers every day
    • biggest provider to the veteran administration
    • reduce customer care cost by 20%
  • Neal Kaufman, CEO, DPS Health
    • recommendation: try to mimic face to face visits
    • weight management program application
    • internet coach send notes to the patient using past performance
    • integrated with an EMR
    • lessons, workbook, tracking plan, resources and communication tools
    • graphs showing performance
    • send weekly feedback
    • GUI need some refreshing/update (need a modern look and feel) !
  • Don Kemper, CEO, HealthWise
    • recommendation: help each person to help themselves, improve their live and say no to the caregiver when needed!
    • guided self disease management
    • $60 per nurse call
    • for details, send email to


  1. Hi François,
    Thank you for your summary of the Health 2.0 conference! You captured the excitement and essence of the event.
    Alexandra Carmichael, Co-Founder, CureTogether

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